Getting Started with Loadroid

This is a brief guide to start using Loadroid with your GitHub/Bitbucket hosted Git repository.

  • Sign in to Loadroid with your GitHub/Bitbucket account and authorize the ROCRO application.

  • Once you are signed in, go to repository registration page and register for the repository where you will write load test scenarios.

    Note : You can only register for repositories you have admin access to.

  • When the repository is registered, you can watch the branches where you will write your load test scenarios.

    Note : Check here to know more about watching/unwatching branches.

  • Verify your target host.

    The target host needs to be verified before running load tests.

    Note : It is required to confirm that you have proper access rights to the load test target server in order to prevent sending large amount of requests to servers you don't own.

    1. Open the setting page by clicking on the Settings button corresponding to the repository.

    2. Select Target Hosts tab and follow the instruction to register your host.

      1. Download the JSON file containing a verification token by clicking verification-token.json link.

      2. Upload verification-token.json to a publicly accessible path directly under the root directory of your target host.

        Note : The name of the publicly accessible path can be anything.

      3. Fill the URL form with the URL of the verification token on your target host.

        Note : The URL must start with http:// or https://

      4. Click the Verify button.

      5. If the host is correctly verified, it will be shown in the verified host list. If the host could not be verified, the cause of the error will be shown.

  • Configure rocro.yml

    Place a YAML file named rocro.yml at the root of your Git repository and write your load test scenarios in it. See Configuring Loadroid for the details. The following is an example of a simple rocro.yml:

          method: GET
          num-users: 300
          period: 60
            - your-request
        - your-scenario

    With the help of command line tool, you can lint rocro.yml and execute simplified load tests in your local environment. The command line tool can be downloaded from here.

    Refer rocro --help to see the usage.

  • Start the load test via Web UI

    You can start your load test by pushing Run button.

  • Start the load test via Web API

    You can start your load test by calling Loadroid Web API, which make it possible to integrate Loadroid into your continuous deployment system.

    The following is the specification of the Web API:

    curl -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{ "token": "xxxxx", "branch": "master", "commit": "abc123 }' \
Parameter Description
:saas or
:owner The name of the repository owner. i.e. your organization/team name or your account name.
:repo Your repository name.

Request body:

Parameter Description
token API token. You can get it from the Settings page.
branch Branch name. The default value is master.
commit Commit ID. The default value is the latest commit ID on the branch specified with branch.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""